Another attempt to shake some life into the franchise, relocating Jason to a major city for the promise of unmitigated slaughter. Two problems: the film might have been more accurately titled Jason Takes (a cruise to) Manhattan, since he's ship-bound for all but the final half-hour, and he doesn't really concern himself with anyone apart from the vessel's survivors once he's there. This is a guy who's made a habit of ruthlessly eviscerating everyone he's ever encountered, yet now he passes harmlessly through a loaded subway car and cheerfully lifts his mask to scare a gang of punks like a haunted house denizen. Production values have taken a significant step up since Part VII, and the gore feels somewhat less censored, but it's failed by yet another repetitive, hole-laden plot and a reliably godawful set of actors.
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Yep this movie is stupidly entertaining, with Jason on a cruise ship.Is it good? No Is it Bad? No Is It watchable: Sorta Was It Needed? No Why did they make another one? $$$ Money, this one made 20 million, hey it's the 8th sequel, that's pretty good. Would I watch it again? Maybe Rating: 5 outta 10
'Sentiment: Positive đ'
Not really taking Manhattan, because the majority of the movie is set on a ship... but it's fun. It's just an average sequel, nothing really memorable except some ship action and the last 30 minutes of Manhattan. The last one from the 80s, where they all should be.